About Me:
Hello, my name is Ryan Bode and I am full stack developer.
I have years of experience working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, C#, TypeScript, Java, and Python. I have worked in many positions from software development to IT management which I feel has helped give
me a well rounded view of computer technology in its entirety.
Work Experience:
UMIACS, Undergraduate Research Assistant: At the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, I worked to help manage their network of servers, IT systems, and computers to assist
clients. I assisted with research in Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, and memory management in order to help advance technology and computing. In this position I worked with a large team
of technical researchers of all experience levels to advance computer technology.
Apple Genius Bar: I worked previously in the Apple Genius bar which allowed me to develop and grow my skills around troubleshooting various computer and mobile device issues.
In this position I worked with my colleagues to develop a complete solution for customers and solve any issues they came in with. I worked directly with Apple software and
operating systems.
CB Flooring, LLC: At CB Flooring I worked as their IT system manager with the primary responsibility of migrating their IT infastructure into the Azure cloud from on prem servers.
I worked directly with Azure's development system and made back-end code updates to their proprietary management system, Flooracle, in order to get it to work in an Azure VM.
FIRST Robotics: I was the lead developer for my High Schools FIRST robotics team, 4541 Cavineers. In this position, I led a team of 16 software developers as we worked to develop
and program a full functioning robot. In this position I was in charge of keeping my team on track and making sure things were working properly. I worked with Java, Python, and JavaScript
in this position as we developed our robots internal code.
*For more information please visit my resume page for a full list of my experiences, skillsets, and education.